Research has demonstrated that we have between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. That’s about 150 to 300 thoughts a moment. That’s a lot of thoughts! Research has likewise demonstrated that for most individuals 80% of those thoughts are damaging. Those are just numbers, and they don’t have to represent what’s true for you because you have the consciously choose your words.
Now, we have been taught to think that many of these 51,000 thoughts are “sub-conscious” thoughts meaning that they’re below our conscious cognizance level. Affirmations in reality make your sub-conscious thoughts conscious. Affirmations make you consciously cognizant of your thoughts. If you begin making conscious favorable thoughts, you in reality become more aware of the damaging thoughts that are constantly threatening to take over. You might be familiar with this statement: be careful of what you think as what you think is what you get. Essentially it means you produce what you think about. When you’re not cognizant of your thoughts, they tend to be negative and destructive which can produce a downward spiral of unwanted experiences and situations. Remember that 80% figure of damaging thoughts? It gets worse. Whatever you’re thinking about, 90% gets carried forward to the next day’s 51,000 thoughts. Here are four affirmations that may hinder you from moving forward, and the affirmative statements you can use to counteract them
Discover how affirmations that help you manifest your desires and help you create a happier and successful life.
Suzanne HarrisAuthor, Speaker & Empowerment Coach ArchivesCategories |